Yung Miami (Photo: via Instagram)
When it comes to food concoctions, we know that Saweetie usually has some of the most interesting food options you would never think of. From Hot Cheetos, Oysters, Ramen noodles, extreme McDonald burgers, anything you wouldn’t expect someone to eat, Saweetie has probably tried it. If you recall, she went viral last month for eating Spaghetti with ranch dressing on it. If you forgot, check out the video below.
Saweetie is a certified foodie! However, she isn’t the only rapper who has an interesting choice of items she likes to eat. Earlier today, Yung Miami became a topic of discussion when she shared a tweet about how she was craving cornstarch. She tweeted,” I want some corn starch.”
One wouldn’t think the “Act Up” rapper would want to eat the ingredient used for thickening sauces or soups and making corn syrup and other sugars. Let not forget you can use it when you fry your foods, but surprisingly some of her fans agreed with her about eating the ingredient.
One fan shared a picture with a container of opened cornstarch and commented, “I’m eating some right now.” Miami responded with the drooling emoji. Another fan even tweeted a picture with a cornstarch container that had a spoon and a straw used for eating. Miami responded, “I eat mine with a spoon too.” Some of Miami’s fans, including myself, were left wondering why does Miami like to eat cornstarch? One fan tweeted, “What does it taste like?? And do you eat it for the taste or texture???” She quickly responded,” I like that is Chalky.”
I’m not mad at Yung Miami for what she likes to eat, but I don’t know if I could try that out. Roomies, what are ya’ll thoughts about her eating cornstarch?
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