Categories: Celebs

Young Thug’s Legal Team Files Motion To Bar Rapper’s Lyrics, Songs, & Music Videos From Use In January Trial

Young Thug’s legal team is doing all they can ahead of the rapper’s upcoming January trial. According to AllHipHop, Thug’s team has asked Judge Ural Glanville to bar the 31-year-old rapper’s song lyrics from being used as evidence in the upcoming YSL RICO trial.

His legal team would also like the rapper’s “social media poetry,” songs, and music videos, to be barred as well.

Thug’s Attorneys Say The Use Of His Lyrics Would Violate His Freedom Of Expression

According to court documents obtained by AllHipHop, Thug’s attorneys believe his lyrics are protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. They also cite Article I, Section I of the Georgia Constitution.

The admission and use of these lyrics/poetry/artistry against [Young Thug] in his upcoming trial would be a Constitutional violation and an abuse of discretion, too prejudicial and unconstitutional. Moreover, using these lyrics/poetry/artistry/speech against [Young Thug] is racist and discriminatory because the jury will be so poisoned and prejudiced by these lyrics/poetry/artistry/speech.

Thug’s legal team asserts that the use of his lyrics will lead to “character assassination.”

[Young Thug] has the absolute right, like all persons in America, to exercise lawful speech/expression. Therefore, these lyrics/poetry/words/speech/artistry must be excluded from the Indictment and excluded from all testimony and evidence presented in trial… Further, any videos, photographs, posts or like images that deal with these lyrics/words/speech/poetry/artistry must also be excluded from trial. Said videos et al. are protected speech/expression.

On the contrary, prosecutors in the case are hopeful to use of the rapper’s lyrics as evidence. They believe it is the link they need to tie Thug to the alleged crimes.

The YSL RICO Trial Will Begin Soon

Despite the prosecution allegedly trying to delay the trial start date from January to March, as reported by The Shade Room, jury selection is expected to begin on January 5, 2023. According to AllHipHop, Judge Glanville expects the trial to last six to nine months.

The biggest driver that I see is that I’ve no-bonded most all the people in this trial, and they deserve to have a right to go to trial.

Jadriena Solomon