Categories: Celebs

#TSRPositiveImages: Family Returns Favor To A Stranger Who Unknowingly Helped Their Mother Years Ago

#Roommates, it pays to be kind! It may not come back to you right away, but God sure does know how to show up at the right time for you! For one family from Georgia, it was one quick random act of kindness, that enabled them to change this one woman’s life forever.

Judy and her husband moved to Georgia to be closer to her son Chris. Soon after, Judy fell ill and required medical care from home. The family hired nursing aid TunDe Hector who helped take care of Judy every day. It just so happened that one day TunDe was sharing a story of how a stranger back in 2014 helped her pay for her gas and gave her all the cash in her wallet when she only had $5 and needed gas. Come to find out the stranger happened to be Judy’s son Chris!

A faith driven family, Judy’s family believed TunDe was Judy’s guardian angel and was sent by God to provide love, care, prayer, and kindness. TunDe told Chris that the Holy Spirit told her Judy was going to pass away on her birthday. TunDe’s prediction indeed came to pass, and Judy’s family wanted to help TunDe in a major way.

The family knew that TunDe wanted to become an OBGYN nurse but due to financial difficulties, her tuition payments were past due and had other priorities like taking care of her own family. The day Judy passed, TunDe rushed to be by her side on her birthday. Judy’s family decided to start a fundraising campaign to raise money for TunDe’s nursing tuition. They were able to raise $8,000 dollars which they presented to TunDe in form of a check.

There could be no greater signs that TunDe was indeed Judy’s guardian angel. Check out the touching video below!



TSR STAFF: Maurita M. – @maurita.salkey