Collin County Jail
Roommates, it looks like Yella Beezy is behind bars. According to the Collin County, TX jail records, the rapper (born Markies Conway) was arrested Wednesday in relation to a previous sexual assault charge in 2021 and held on a $1,000,000.00 bond. Records show Beezy had a warrant for a bond held insufficient, which means the bond is insufficient in amount. As a result, the presiding judge can order a person to be rearrested and placed back in jail.
As we previously reported, Beezy was arrested in November 2021 on a sexual assault charge and booked into the Collin County jail. In addition to the sexual assault charge, he was also charged with felony sexual assault. Felony abandoned endangered child, and misdemeanor unlawful carrying a weapon. The rapper was released on a $50,000 bond. Beezy has quite the criminal record. Last year he was arrested three times. So far, he has flown under the radar, marking his first arrest this year.
The ‘That’s On Me’ rapper seems to be trying to focus on his craft. Six days ago, he shared a video on Instagram in the studio. T e caption read, “Get that s**t off my mind when I put it down in my rhymes.”
Beezy hadn’t dropped a single since March when he released ‘Who Do,’ which is more of a melodic tune. The music video currently has over 510K views on YouTube.
It’s unclear when Yella Beezy will be released and what will happen next, but we’ll keep you updated. Roomies, drop a comment, and let us know your thoughts!
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