
Woman’s Eye “Bursts” After Spending Too Much Time On Her Phone

Chile, you might want to start limiting the amount of time you spend on your phone after reading this. #Roommates we all can admit that we probably spend too much time on our phones on a regular basis, but doing so could be detrimental to your health. A woman recently had her eye “burst” because she spent so much time staring at her phone.

According to @Local10News, a Chinese woman was temporarily blinded after blood vessels burst in her eye due to her using her smartphone all night long. The next morning when she woke up, she picked up her phone and started using it again. “About five minutes later, the patient discovered she was unable to see out her left eye. She couldn’t see anything,” said Dr. Qiu Wangjian, the physician who treated her.

Luckily, the unidentified woman was able to drive herself to the hospital after realizing she could no longer see out of her left eye. Upon her arrival at the hospital, doctors discovered large patches of blood on her retina, which effectively blocked her vision and preventing her from being able to see temporarily. Those ruptures were caused by the physical exertion of prolonged periods of staring at her smartphone.

The woman’s story has a positive ending though, as she has since regained all the vision in her left eye due to doctors creating a small hole on her retina, allowing the blood to be removed.


Roommates, what are your thoughts on this?

Danielle Jennings