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Woman Allegedly Attacked A Pregnant Driver For Cutting Her Off In Chick-fil-A Drive-Thru

People are still out here cutting up and even getting violent when it comes to their preferred place for fast food. The latest incident involves a woman who allegedly got physical with a pregnant woman while at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru.

@People reports of the unfortunate encounter at a Delaware Chick-fil-A that resulted in a 19-year-old woman catching a handful of charges for assault, reckless endangerment and more. On August 24th Jada Blake allegedly physically attacked a pregnant woman because she believed the woman cut her off while they were both waiting in line at the Chick-fil-A drive-thru.

Delaware Police described the incident like this:

“Blake was the operator of a vehicle that was waiting in the drive-thru lane when another vehicle, operated by a 21-year-old female, attempted to pull in front of her. Blake accelerated abruptly and blocked the vehicle from moving forward. She then exited her vehicle and confronted the other driver. Blake allegedly approached the pregnant woman’s vehicle and began striking her in the head and face through her open window.

The description of the incident continued, stating:

“The altercation then continued outside the vehicle, at which time Blake intentionally kicked the victim in the abdomen, knowing that the victim was pregnant. The physical altercation ended, and Blake returned to her vehicle and continued to wait for drive-thru service.”

Officers were called to the scene at the local Chick-fil-A where they detained Blake while the pregnant victim was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for minor injuries.

In addition to assault and reckless endangerment, Blake was also charged with menacing, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana and careless driving. She was released on $5,100 bail.

Roommates, what are your thoughts on this?

Danielle Jennings