
Witness To George Floyd’s Murder Details What Happened At The Scene To Chris Cuomo—“They Wanted To Kill That Man”

As more details emerge from the horrific scene that claimed the life of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, one of the witnesses to the tragic murder recently explained what happened at the scene. Donald Williams was a recent guest on Chris Cuomo’s CNN talk show and explained in heart-breaking detail, the very last moments of George’s Floyd’s life.

Donald Williams, a witness at the scene of the incident that resulted in the brutal murder of George Floyd, gave an interview with CNN host Chris Cuomo and recounted what he witnessed when police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd by putting a fatal knee to his neck. In the video in which Floyd can be heard telling Minneapolis police officers that he couldn’t breathe, Williams can be heard pleading with an officer to take his knee off of Floyd’s neck.

Donald Williams explained what he saw like this:

“The part that makes the least sense, did any of the cops… did you hear them talking to each other about why they couldn’t just move him and get him out of the situation? Bro, they wanted to kill that man, bro. They didn’t speak. They didn’t say nothin’… the man had his knee on his chest, bro. He knew what he was doing. I told him it was a blood choke. He knew it was a blood choke. He looked at me when I said it. He put his head down. He did not make any more gestures. He did not say any other thing.”

He continued adding this about George Floyd’s final moments:

“Seeing another man that looks like me, that feels like me, that has the same complexion as me, lose his life to another man who had no…he had no feeling. He had no remorse. He had s**t in him. He had no feeling. I don’t even think he had a heart at that moment, and he’s gonna feel that for the rest of his life, just like I’m gonna hear my man say this: ‘I can’t breathe. I want my mama.’”

As we previously reported, Derek Chauvin has since been fired from his position on the Minneapolis police force, but no charges have been filed against him as of right now.


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Danielle Jennings