
Whew! Wendy’s Employees Fired After Video Shows A Man Bathing In The Kitchen Sink

Roommates, usually when we post about Wendy’s its because they’re on social media calling out their competition, but after this video, I don’t know if they’re going to be able to keep that same energy!

Some things you just can’t UN-see and this video of a Wendy’s employee bathing in their kitchen sink is one of them! According to Fox 4, Wendy’s has a huge PR crisis on their hands after some Wendy’s employees in Michigan went viral for bathing in their kitchen sink, recording it and then uploading it to Facebook!

For our Michigan Roommates, the Wendy’s is in Greenville on N. Lafayette Street at Summit Avenue! It seems Wendy’s caught wind of the incident after someone saw the video and sent it to their cooperate offices. In a statement the Franchise owner of that particular Wendy’s said that the incident was “completely unacceptable” and that everyone involved was fired right away.

They also added to their statement, saying: “This egregious behavior is completely unacceptable and counter to our safety, training and operational standards. Upon learning of this situation, all employees in the video were terminated immediately and the restaurant has been completely sanitized. The health department visited the restaurant today and no violations were reported,” according to the statement from Team Schostak.

Now I don’t want to compare, but I know Chick-Fil-A would neverrrrrrr! I know we all love our fast food but bathing in the kitchen sink though? That’s wild!

Tanya Payne