What Would You Do? Homeless Man Finds $10,000 Check & Returned It To Its Owner

I’m sure we’ve all heard the slogan “Finders Keepers” right? Well, a Connecticut man, who was homeless for more than a year, was walking minding his business when he came across an envelope with $10,000 check inside!

According to WGNO, instead of keeping the check he made it his mission to return it to its rightful owner, and I ain’t mad at him!

He noticed that the check was made out to Roberta Hoskie, who’s the owner of Outreach Reality Services.

He asked a friend to help him locate this woman and they ended up doing a google search, found her number and hit her up to tell her the good news.

Roberta met Elmer at the corner of Church and Chapel street. They ended up hugging each other and Roberta told Elmer that she knows what he’s going through because she was homeless at various points during her teens.

You know good things come to those who do good deeds, so it’s not surprising that Roberta wrote him a nice little check to compensate him!