Categories: Celebs

What Happened To Sandra Bland?

Family and friends of 28-year-old, Sandra Bland, are now questioning how an arrest for a traffic violation ended up with Bland dead in her cell. Of course police have given their answer, she did it to herself. Funny, wonder where we heard this story before.

According to ABC 7, on July 10th, Bland was pulled over for failing to signal while changing lanes near Waller County, TX and on July 13, around 9 a.m., before she was able to be bailed out, Bland was found dead in her cell.

Video surfaced online of the arrest of Bland who is also a civil rights activist, and of course its incriminating as hell! In the video you can hear her saying, “You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that? I can’t even hear.” And then she also yells, “Slammed me to the ground and everything” as she is picked up off the ground and then escorted to the police car.

She then also thanks the person, who at first was told to leave the scene by an officer but smartened up to say he’s on public property, for recording the arrest. 

According to Malcom Jackson, Bland’s friend and witness, the police were aggressive with her the entire time.

“After he pulled her out of the car, forced her and tossed her to the ground, knee to the neck, and arrested her,” he said.
But of course police gave an entirely different story. Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith says she was initially arrested for being combative and assaulting one of the officers.

Now as far as the timeline of events that spanned from that Monday morning until she was found dead in her cell a few hours later: 

7am: Bland was given breakfast 

8am: An officer says they spoke with her over an intercom asking if she wanted to go to the rec yard.

Around 9am: She was unresponsive in her cell and then later reported dead. 

Officers say she was given CPR but couldn’t revive her. Cause of death was suicude by self-inflicted asphyxiation. In other words, sources say she hung herself.

“I do not have any information that would make me think it was anything other than just a suicide,” Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis told ABC 7.

Ironically enough no one buys this story and do suspect that there was foul play. Bland, who is originally from Naperville, Ill., had recently moved to the area and was supposed to start a new job Wednesday as a college outreach officer at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M University. She was also known for advocating against police brutality.

“The Waller County Jail is trying to rule her death a suicide, and Sandy would not have taken her own life,” LaNitra Dean told ABC 7. “Sandy was strong. Strong mentally and spiritually.”

Many of the victim’s family and friends protested outside of the Waller County Jail and they have vowed to continue to press for answers until a full investigation is done. Many have also took to social media with the hashtag #JusticeForSandraBland in support of the family.

“We’re very suspicious and we’re a very tight community and we’re very upset that this has happened and it seems like there’s nothing really being done about it,” Bland’s friend LaVaughn Mosley told the news station.

Family members told ABC 7 that Bland’s body will be brought back to Illinois for burial as soon as authorities release it.



Sources Sited: ABC 7

TSR STAFF: Debra Oh!! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG!!


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