Categories: Celebs

Walmart Employee Gave His Shoes Away To A Homeless Man

#Roommates I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying never forget where you come from and to always give back to those in need. For one Walmart employee, he did just that when he gave his shoes are to a homeless man when he left the store.

According to Fox5 Atlanta, the store manager, Mike Kastensmidt, had no idea his employee, Phil, was out front welcoming customers until he received a phone call from a customer saying that they saw Phil take his shoes off and give them to a homeless man.

When the manager approached Phil he didn’t inform about that call he received about his good deed, he wanted to hear it straight from Phil.

“Playing dumb, I said ‘Phil what happened to your shoes’ and he said ‘I gave them to a homeless man.’ I said ‘Why would you do that?’ He goes ‘He needed them more than I did.’”

Phil said he saw the man enter the store barefoot and got what he needed and left. He rushed to catch up the guy and asked if hI’m if he wanted his shoes.

“His wife actually answered for him and said ‘Yes, he needs shoes. He needs them bad.’ He turned around and said ‘Yeah, I need them’ and then he took my shoes and said ‘Thank you, sir.’”

Phil said he knows what’s it’s like to be in his shoes because ever since he was in the third until recently he’s lived in
shelters, cars, and motels.


Kyle Simpson

Kyle Anfernee is the youngest out of The Shade Room Crew. Kyle is currently finishing his bachelors at Pepperdine University, and is expected to graduate this April with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Kyle joined TSR back in October as an Intern, and has since been added to the team. Watch out for Kyle because he's on track to be the next Terrence Jenkins for sure!