Categories: Celebs

Waka Flocka Aint Here For The Caitlyn Jenner Transition !!

Waka Flocka Flame had a lot to say this morning on ‘The Breakfast Club’ when he was asked about Caitlyn Jenner, and lets just say he was brutally honest.


Waka’s upset that Caitlyn and others are sending off the wrong messages on TV to kids and that parents need to be more responsible. 


“You know what the world is today? “Waka said. Women are afraid to be a wife. Young males are afraid to be men. It’s not cool. They’re not marketing that. They’re not marketing young families and husbands and wives anymore. They’re marketing young girls and transgenders.


He feels that people who change from men to women and vice versa are “evil.”


When asked specificaly about highly publicized reality T.V star, Caitlyn Jenner, he had some choice words. 


“I ain’t saying anything against Bruce Jenner. You are who you are: What God made you. Not who you became after he did… That’s how I feel. You’re rebuking God. God ain’t put them feelings in you. That’s the devil playing tricks on your mind.”



 TSR Intern: Kyle Simpson: @Kyle.Simpson



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