
(Video) Donald Trump Responds To Joe Biden Labeling Him The First Racist President–“I’ve Done More For Black Americans…”

During a virtual town hall meeting, presidential nominee Joe Biden stated that President Donald Trump was racist. Hosted by the Service Employees International Union, a health care worker expressed that she was an immigrant from South Korea and had been racially profiled by White Americans at the grocery store.

In response to the woman, Joe Biden said that the way Donnie treats others based on “the color of their skin, their national origins, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening.”

He then adamantly stated, “No sitting president has ever done this,” he said. “Never, never, never. No Republican president has done this.” He continued, “No Democratic president. We’ve had racists, and they’ve existed, that tried to get elected president; he’s the first one that has.”

Trump later responded at a press conference. He told everyone that he’s done more for Blacks than any other president besides President Lincoln.

He stated, “It’s interesting because we did criminal justice reform–we passed criminal justice reform–something that Obama and Biden were unable to do,” he expressed. “We did opportunity cities; we did the greatest. If you look at what we’ve done with opportunity zones, nobody’s ever even thought of a plan like that,” Trump said.

“Prior to the China plague coming into our countries, doing terrible things all over the world, doing terrible things we had the best African American, Hispanic American, Asian American–almost every group was the best for unemployment, the unemployment numbers were the best,” he also stated,

“You look at employment, you like opportunity zones. Maybe most importantly you look at criminal justice reform; you look at prison reform. I’ve done things that nobody else, and I’ve said this, say it openly, not many people dispute it,” he also stated.

“I’ve done more for Black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody has even been close. Thank you so much everybody.”

Peep Biden’s claims and Trump’s response below.

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