Categories: Celebs

Usher’s Team Finally Responds to Herpes Lawsuit

#Roommates, it’s been a few weeks now since news broke of #Usher’s alleged herpes scandal. Well now, the R&B singer is speaking his peace and wants one of the lawsuits tossed out!

Remember the very first woman that came out and said Usher allegedly gave her the STI? Well, according to TMZ, the singer’s camp is claiming her lawsuit says nothing about whether or not she had been tested prior to their alleged sexual relationship. The legal documents state: “A previous sexual partner very well may have already infected her.”

Usher’s team also claims she put her own self risk by having “casual, unprotected sexual intercourse and/or oral sex.” The most interesting thing about this lawsuit is Usher never claimed he couldn’t have spread it! Instead, the response says there’s a possibility she could have gotten it either before or after their alleged sexual encounter. So technically, he’s not completely at fault.

He’s asking the judge to throw out her lawsuit. Roomies, you you think?


Tanya Payne