
Uber Now Requiring Users To Submit Face Masks Selfies In Order To Request Rides

#Roommates, in its ongoing effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of riders and drivers—Uber has just introduced a new change. In an official announcement, Uber is now requiring all users to submit a face mask selfie before requesting a ride.

According to @Newsweek, since May, Uber has required all riders to wear face masks and confirm their faces are covered before ordering a ride, but now mask enforcement will be even stricter…especially for those who neglect to follow the rules. New company policy states that any Uber user who has previously been reported by a driver for not wearing a face mask will now be required to take a selfie before requesting a ride to verify that their faces are covered.

In a recent company blog post, Uber explained the details of new policy:

“If a driver reports to us that a rider wasn’t wearing a mask, the rider will be required to take a selfie with their face covered before they’re able to take another trip with Uber. With the addition of this new feature, one driver’s feedback can help ensure the safety of Uber for the next driver.”

“To date, more than 3.5 million drivers and delivery people have completed more than 100 million mask verifications,” the ride-share company said. “We firmly believe that accountability is a two-way street. That’s why we’re expanding the same technology to riders, too.”

The new face mask selfie feature will go into effect in the U.S. and Canada by the end of September, and then globally across Latin America and other countries after.


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Danielle Jennings