Categories: Celebs

Two L.A. Teachers Awarded With $10 Million By Steve Jobs’ Wife To Start A Charter School For The Homeless & Foster Youth

Have you ever been penalized for not doing assignments after you missed a day of school, due to something beyond your control?

The late Steve Jobs’ wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, is giving two L.A. teachers the funds to keep such penalizations under control.

Kari Croft, and Erin Whalen came up with the idea of RISE High, a proposed Los Angeles charter high school that is mainly designed to benefit the needs of foster and homeless children whose learnings are frequently disrupted L.A. Times reports.

10 different schools nationwide won $10 million dollars for their proposed projects, and they will be receiving the the money during a course of 5 years.

One of Kari and Erin’s goals is to make sure students who aren’t able to get to school, or abruptly move will have access to tutoring as well as the lessons they missed that day in school.

They would have personalized schedules that meet their needs and the needs of their families, that also adapt to their responsibilities.

Kari and Erin strive to serve the most underserved communities, and they aim to do what’s best for kids with kids, by lifting their strengths and building change.

There were reportedly over 700 applications that were judged by a panel of 42 judges, so that is definitely a big deal to the 10 teams that won. Congratulations and good luck to them all!

Read their full story via L.A. Times here 

TSR STAFF: Thembi M. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter

