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Two Daycare Workers Fired For Refusing 6-Year-Old’s Gender Identity

2015 has been a coming out party of all sorts. Those who feel the need to conceal their true identities have acquired more acceptance than ever. This is great, because people are starting to love themselves more and I think that that energy can carry over into other aspects of life. However, how do we deal with those of us who may not agree with or necessarily understand the challenges of being transgender? 
You can ask Christian author, Madeline Kirksey and her coworker Arkesha Wyatt, because their disagreement just cost both of them their jobs. The two ladies allege that they were fired from Children’s Lighthouse Learning Center in Katy, TX after they refused to acknowledge one of their 6-year-old students sex as a male. 
Allegedly, the child used to be a little girl named Sally. One day, her parents, who happen to be a same-sex couple, brought her back to school with a shortened hairdo and with a new name: Johnny. The two men demanded that the school agree to change their child’s name in order to fit his new self. Ms. Kirksey insists that she was protecting the child from possible torment, but in the same breath says that her beliefs would not allow her to acknowledge Johnny as a male. The teachers’ attorney, Andy Taylor, believes that the issue of transgenderism has gotten out of hand and and feels that all of the energy from debating it could be channeled into other issues, since the child is so young. 
“To inflict upon a little 6-year-old girl the heavy decision of her sexual identity is nothing short of child abuse,” he said. Taylor feels that Johnny’s new identity could cause a stir with other students which could open up the possibility of bullying and confusion. “Can you only imagine the reaction of a couple of dozen 6-year-olds when they learn that Sally is all of a sudden Johnny?” Taylor asked. “They may think this is a cruel game of opposite day. And are we going to have little girls running into boys’ restrooms and little boys running into girls restrooms?” 
Both of the ladies feel targeted for their Christian beliefs and are filing a lawsuit against the learning center and Andy Taylor has filed a complaint with the EEOC. “It’s time for people of faith to stand up and to just say no to the LGBT’s insistence on pushing their agenda to the exclusion of the civil rights of everyone else involved,” Taylor said. “We believe in equal rights and dignity for all. We do not agree with creating special rights where those rights are elevated and everyone else’s rights are not respected. You can’t pick and choose which child you are going to respect, because dignity is owed to all.”
Roommates, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think that 6-year-olds are capable of making such a life-changing decision? Have some of you made a decision like this at a young age? Tell us in the comments!

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TSR Intern: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!

Chinwe U.

Chinny’s background in the world of marketing & brand management in some of the world’s leading global companies, is just what The Shade Room needs. Her practical knowledge of lifestyle and entertainment and dabble in the fashion industry doesn’t hurt either. When you mix her well rounded knowledge of what is going on in today’s social sphere you’ve got the perfect tools for a little Shade.