
Two Cases Of The Coronavirus Confirmed In Georgia

As many people take precautions against the coronavirus, two cases of the virus have been confirmed in Georgia.

According to CBS 64, on Monday, Governor Brian Kemp confirmed that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has identified two Georgia residents that have contracted the virus. These are the first cases that have been confirmed in the state.

During a press conference, Governor Kemp said that both of the victims live inside of the same household and that one of them had recently returned from a trip to Italy. Both victims have been isolated inside their homes.

Kemp said at a press conference, “Georgians should remain calm. We were ready for today. We’ve been preparing as you know for several weeks now, and so far and every development has come forward just as we expected it would.”

Dr. Toomey also said that the victim that first contracted the virus was aware of the risks of being affected by the virus and contacted a physician.

“We knew that Georgia would likely have confirmed cases of COVID-19, and we planned for it. The immediate risk of COVID-19 to the general public, however, remains low at this time,” said Dr. Toomey.

There have reportedly been more than 100 cases of the virus reported in the United States. As we previously reported, at least 6 victims have passed away in Washington State.




TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside