
Twitter Strongly Encourages All Employees To Work From Home Amid Coronavirus Spread

Roommates, Twitter is not playing ‘bout this Coronavirus. They  just became the first major U.S. company to encourage all employees to work from home.

The company stated on their blog:

“Beginning today, we are strongly encouraging all employees globally to work from home if they’re able. “Our goal is to lower the probability of the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus for us — and the world around us.” Twitter had more than 4,800 employees at the start of 2020.”

Twitter also announced Sunday that it was suspending non-critical business travel and events, which was already a step farther than most of its corporate peers, according to LA Times. 

Other major companies– Apple, Facebook, and Google have taken precautions in China. They have either closed down temporarily or encouraged employees to work from home. 

Los Angeles times also stated that the digital exchange company, Coinbase, is giving employees the opportunity to work from home as well.

The digital currency exchange, Coinbase issued new guidance to its workforce Monday, saying, “Employees that are likely to get sick more easily or for whom getting sick would be particularly problematic should now work with their manager to move to 100% Work From Home.”

Chile, if you weren’t already before, be sure to wash your hands. You can honestly never be too careful.

