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Southern Ghana has been experiencing torrential rain for four days in a row leaving at least 10 people dead.

The streets of the capital, Accra, are all flooded and have therefore made it difficult for its inhabitants to travel.  Although this is way more rain than they normally expect, Aljazeera reports that the area has been hit with 185mm of rain, making it the wettest month of the year. Average rainfall for the month of June is usually expected to reach only 178mm.

Sandy Amartey, the regional coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organization told AFP, “In all we have 10 to 12 who lost their lives during this rainy season,” which isn’t expected to ease up until July.

Lackluster sewage infrastructure has resulted in the area’s frequent flooding, so NADMO spokesperson Kweku De-Graft, urges citizens to move from low lying areas and drains.

“We are asking people to move away from the low lying areas,” he said. “We ask them to move away to get the drains cleared so we are doing our part.”

Please keep Ghana in your prayers, Roommates!


TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!

