Categories: Celebs

#TSRTakeAMoment: Death Toll Rises To At Least 120 From Italy Earthquake, 6.8 Mag. Earthquake Hits Myanmar

Early this morning, around 3:30 a.m local time, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit the city of Norcia in central Italy. Unfortunately, 120 people have been pronounced dead so far, but the death toll is expected to rise. It’s being reported that the hardest-hit areas are Arquata del Tronto, Amatrice and Accumoli. Sergio Pirozzi, the mayor of Amatrice, has explained that half of the city has been left in ruins.

He told RAI state television, “Half of the town is gone,” and continue used to explain that the disaster is far worse than expected. “Now that daylight has come, we see that the situation is even more dreadful than we feared with buildings collapsed, people trapped under the rubble and no sound of life,” he said.

The aftershocks of the earthquake were felt as far away as Croatia and Switzerland, according to reports. There was also a 6.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Myanmar this morning, leaving at least one dead and at least 66 temples called “stupas” leveled. Aftershocks of this quake were felt in Thailand, Bangladesh and India which prompted citizens to take cover.

Roommates, keep all of these people in your prayers! There are a lot of unfortunate things happening back to back, but it never hurts to say a quick prayer or send a good wave of energy!

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!