Categories: Celebs

#TSRPositiveImages: NFL Players Complete Two Week Medical Mission In Nigeria

Recently NFL players Emmanuel and Sam Acho made a visit to the villages of Nigeria on a medical mission through their families non-profit organization Living Hope Ministries.

Accompanying the Acho brothers on the trip was, Sam Acho’s Chicago Bears teammate De’vante Bausby.

The medical mission, which took place from June 22nd to July 5th included the players providing any kind of help that was needed. Whether it had been organizing the medicine for the locals, comforting children before and after their doctors visits or helping control the crowd. All of which included a total of 2,000 people that were in need.

Emmanuel Acho said, “This is my 10th visit to Nigeria as part of Operation Hope. The feeling is indescribable. You go with the intention to change lives, but ultimately your life ends up being changed the most.”

The Living Hope Ministries organization is ran by Acho’s parents, they have helped provide around $1.28 million in free medical aid alone. They are hoping to build a permanent hospital to help over 3,000 local Nigerians on a regular basis.


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Jade Whiteside