
#TSRPositiveImages: Denver Man Becomes A Principal In The Same School District Where He Began As A Janitor

#TSRPositiveImages: When people don’t understand why we say Black people are magic, show them this story right here.

Michael Atkins started as a custodian and ended up becoming a principal in the same #Denver school district, an inspiring victory for those who see the importance of paying your dues. He said he remembered the questioning looks principals gave him when he first applied to be a teacher’s aide and was offered a custodial position instead, according to CNN.

But Atkins never lost the vision or desire to teach. He worked his way up the ladder and now he plans to use his new top position at #StedmanElementarySchool in northeast Denver to make real change and end racial disparities that he faced as a student.

“I have an opportunity to do diversity right,” Atkins said. As a child, Atkins was bused from his predominantly black neighborhood to a predominantly white middle school because of a district desegregation initiative. 

He said he saw clear differences in what classes students took and how teachers treated them based on race. He added that the discrimination he faced forced him to grow a thick skin. 

“I understood at that point in time that school was about compliance,” Atkins said.

After he graduated high school, Atkins balanced raising his infant daughter with taking part-time college courses and a job in education. 

He said he knew his experience as a black student in a school divided by race could benefit others on the same path.

He started off as a custodian and after receiving promotions and changing schools, he reconnected with a second grade teacher turned principal, who’d invested in him and his family. She was the first to offer him a paraprofessional job. 

Soon, equipped with a degree and certification, he graduated to teacher, then became assistant principal.

Atkins journey brought him to his new position as principal on June 1st. He vows to bridge racial and cultural divides and to encourage students to embrace each others’ differences.

“Don’t ignore color or gender — that’s ignoring my identity,” he said. “Let’s celebrate those things and let’s celebrate those differences.” 

It’s the same approach he takes in his leadership as he supports new teaching methods that cater to all of his students and provides professional development courses for every member of his staff, including custodians.

A 2018 report from a local education nonprofit found Denver public schools are resegregating as gentrification is pushing low-income families out of certain neighborhoods. Working against those odds, Atkins wants to make sure the environment at school is as inclusive as possible.

“We have to build a relationship with our number-one stakeholders: our children.”

TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh

Christina Calloway