
#TSRPositiveImages: 14-Year-Old Saved All School Year For Spring Break So She Could Pay For Low Income Families’ Laundry

Jayera Griffin, an honor roll student at Washington Junior High School in Riverdale, Illinois is giving back to the community one laundry load at a time!

For the past year, the 8th grader was able to raise over $900 to help pay for  lower income families’ laundry at her local laundromat

According to #CBS, Janera was inspired to do this after she noticed that some of the kids she tutored didn’t always have clean clothes to wear–let alone washing machines or dryers.

Jayera did this good deed during her spring break and is hoping to be able to do it again at the beginning of the next school year!!

TSRStaff: Thembi – Instagram @ThembiTV_

