Categories: Celebs

#TSROpenLetter: Do Roommates Vote?

Roommates let’s take a brief break from the tea and talk about what really matters – this presidential election, chile. Okay so on a scale from one to Chuckie from the Rugrats, exactly how worried are y’all that Trump may win?

Let’s cut to the chase. No one wants Trump to win –except for those select few who do. The question is, will the people who don’t want him in office vote or just complain about how horrible of a candidate he is?
We keep hearing people say, “I’ll sit this one out, I don’t like either one.” But you have to think one is more qualified than the other right?

But even considering more local elections, your vote counts. These local elections for judges and state officials, etc. play a bigger role in the presidential election than you think. So it would only make sense to make sure we are aware and active in choosing who we let in even on that level.

Anyways! One thing we observed in this rapidly growing technology age is that we–and by we, we mean humans, take social media-action instead of old-fashioned action. Y’all know exactly what we’re talking about—all of us are guilty of posting about a problem but the follow-through game is weak!

No judgment we’re guilty as well but now that we’ve acknowledged the problem, we want to be a part of the solution.
#Roommates, we want to know one of your deepest darkest secrets –After all, we are #Roommates! If this weren’t mostly a virtual thing, we’d share the same bathroom technically. We spill tea with y’all all day everyday so now we want y’all to share some tea with us! We must know, do the #Roommates vote?!

Did you guys know statistics prove that since 1978, black people vote less following major racial/sociopolitical issues i.e. Rodney King, Travyon Martin/Black Lives Matter?

Spoiler alert: we are experiencing a high volume of both racial and sociopolitical issues right now. That means that according to the aforementioned statistics we won’t be voting as we should this 2016 Presidential Election. So again, we want to know do the #Roommates vote?

#Roommate representation is beyond important at the polls. Of our 5.7 million roomies on Instagram, 317K on Facebook, and 108K on Twitter, 100% of you are affected in some way, shape, or form by all elections. That means that contrary to popular belief that our votes don’t really matter, we have a large representation—just as #Roommates! Imagine if every single #roommate who is eligible, voted. And don’t forget, this little talk isn’t only applicable to the Presidential Election.

We have the liberty to vote for our judges, state representatives, mayors, and other people in power. We have just as much say so as the next person and the easiest way to exercise that right is to do your research (because research is detrimental) and then VOTE! Did you know that your vote means just as much as Obama’s, Beyoncé’s and Oprah’s?

Fun fact: #Roommate demographic at the poll is predominantly ages 18-34, Black, and women. We love chopping it up with y’all about the tea, but we just want to make sure our #Roommates are on point this election season. It’s VITAL! You can consider us your accountability partners because best believe we will be on y’all until Election Day! Y’all finna learn today!

So when you’re done reading this, if you’re not registered to vote, please do so!

Don’t know how/where to register to vote? We have you covered! There are three different deadlines for voters to register: Federal election, Presidential primaries, and state primaries. The presidential primary deadline dates have already passed for each state BUT you can still get right for future elections that affect you just as much as the presidential election!

Head over to here: and register online!

If you aren’t sure if you’re already registered, head over to: and find out!

Oh yeah, Stay tuned for TSR’s official presidential endorsement!

In the meantime, do what you have to do in order vote this November!

Yours truly,
The Shade Room

TSR STAFF: Chantel P.! @_popchany on IG!

Jade Whiteside