Lord, just when we thought Katt Williams was slipping under the radar, he does something else that has people questioning what the hell is going on with him!?
On his latest episode, we received video from our roommate @weaveywonderhair where it looks like the comedian is being pinned to the ground by police. Of course, after some digging on our own we found out Katt was in trouble for allegedly punching a man in the face!!!
A source tells us that it all went down at the Ritz Carlton here in Atlanta, where Katt attended a party but apparently he wasn’t really feeling the cameras in his face. Next, he allegedly began threatening fans that kept trying to capture footage of him. One fan in particular got uppercutted, repeatedly, after trying to snapchat the comedian. Welp too bad for Katt because now he’s gotta come out them pockets in the form of a settlement. The guy got roughed up pretty bad, too.
However, the madness didn’t stop there. Other witnesses also allege that the altercation spilled over into the streets where Katt allegedly robbed four women of their phones. You can hear them blasting him in the video.
Chile, the comedian definitely must have been off his meds because he also made headlines recently after he tried to come for Kevin Hart! Did y’all catch the shade he threw during his Conspiracy Theory show at Atlanta’s Philips Arena when he said, “I’ve already proven that if the best they got in comedy is Kevin Hart — don’t you boo a black man working hard, baby,” he when the crowd started booing. “Even if that n****’s a puppet, it’s not his fault. We don’t get mad. Just because I’m better than some black dudes, doesn’t mean I’m better than no black dudes. I’m saying if you want to be mad at Kermit The Frog, don’t be mad at Kermit The Frog, be mad at Jim Henson. Don’t say, ‘F**k Donald Duck’ when you really mean, ‘F**k Walt Disney.’”
He then goes on to say:
“I don’t care nothin’ ‘bout that happens to Kevin [Hart], I just wish him the best. I just know that that’s somebody’s hand is stuck up that baby, you understand? Oh, we’re a puppet show, boo boo. Please believe it. You’re looking at the only n**** that ain’t.”
Oh and of course he didn’t stop there:
“So, since I’ve already officially proven to myself that I really am who Richard Pryor passed his torch to, and that I was able to do it without letting a man suck my d**k, or sucking a man’s d**k. I walked in with a virgin a**hole, I walked out with a virgin a**hole. I got the same soul today that I had when I did Pimp Chronicles all the way right here to the end of Pimp Chronicles.”
Well Kevin Hart had a classy clapback for the silent finish!
Yikes!!! Get it together Katt!!
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!