
TSR Updatez: Judge Issues Gag Order For Ex-Officers Involved In Death Of George Floyd

The four officers accused in the death of George Floyd had a pre-trial hearing today, and a Minneapolis judge reportedly issued a gag order, according to the New York Post.

Judge Peter Cahill issued a gag order for all involved from commenting on “the evidence, what we see as merits of the case or what we see as a person’s guilt or innocence, according to defense lawyer Robert Paule–attorney for Tou Thao, who’s being held on a $750,000 bail.

An attorney for J. Alexander Kueng stated there were “multiple and inappropriate public comments” by prosecutors and other officials, according to the New York Post.

“The State’s conduct has made a fair and unbiased trial extremely unlikely and the Defendants seek video and audio coverage to let a cleansing light shine on these proceedings,” lawyer Thomas Plunkett wrote in legal papers.

Plunkett and Kueng, who’s free on $750,000 bond, did not answer any questions from the media.

Derek Chauvin is currently being held in segregation on a $1 million dollar bond. As we previously reported, no cameras were allowed at today’s pre-trial hearing. The district attorney stated that the media would be a hindrance.

“Cameras could alter the way the lawyers present evidence. Cameras in the courtroom could subject the participants in the trial to heightened media scrutiny and thereby be distracting to conducting the trial. Cameras may be intimidating to witnesses and impair their ability and willingness to testify, which may impact the jurors decision-making,” he said.

Since the untimely death of George Floyd, the House of Representatives passed a police reform bill in his honor. The bill is expected to directly address systemic racism and police brutality.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also noted that the bill will have George Floyd’s namesake:

“The George Floyd Justice and Policing Act will fundamentally transform the culture of policing to address systemic racism, curb police brutality and bring accountability to our police departments. It will save lives.”

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