Categories: Celebs

TSR Reactionz: Twitter Is Going Crazy Over A Tweet That Predicted Donald Trump’s COVID-19 Infection–Many Reference “October Surprise”

The world of Twitter is going crazy right now. In the midst of Donnie announcing he and Melania tested positive for #COVID19, one tweet that predicted his infection has went viral. In a tweet that was seemingly made on September 18th as part of a thread, someone with the handle “JohnCammo,” a conspiracy theorist with past problematic tweets, mentioned that #Donnie would become infected with COVID-19 as part of the October Surprise.

The tweet read, “Trump’s October surprise will be the announcement of “his infection,” Fake but quite dramatic. This twist will blow Biden off the screens, th “Trump COVID watch” dominating every minute of every day. Then, 14 days later, Trump will emerge, 100% cured by Hydroxychloroquine.”

White House correspondent April Ryan tweeted, “Who would have ever thought that @realDonaldTrump & @MelaniaTrump testing positive for #COVID19 would be the October Surprise for #Election2020 I’ve been covering politics a long time, but I’ve never seen anything like this! #TrumpHasCovid.”

Angela Rye, Kelly Rowland, and April Ryan are among the few notable individuals who have voiced their opinions about Donnie’s infection. With the timeline of current events what y’all think, #Roomies?
