Categories: Celebs

TSR Positive Images: Picture Of McDonald’s Employee’s Act Of Kindness Goes Viral!

Normally you’ll hear the jokes about how miserable McDonald’s employees can be while at work. Whether it’s the icecream machine being always broken or just plain nasty attitudes, Mickie D’s has really been getting a bad rep. Well one Chi-Town employee may have given the fast food restaurant a little light of hope after a picture of a good deed he did went viral !

An employee known as “Kenny” assumed his normal responsibilities during their evening rush when an elderly customer asked for some help. Normally the kind of help that was asked for is considered way beyond the McDonald’s payroll but Kenny still decided to help anyways! Moved by the grand gestures of Kenny, Mickie D’s customer, Destiny Carreno, took a picture and reported what she saw to her FaceBook:

“Today I made a quick stop at McDonald’s after work,” she penned. “As I waited in line to order, an elderly handicapped gentleman wheeled himself over to the cashier in front of me. From what I perceived, the gentleman may have had a case of quadriplegia, the same medical condition my uncle has. The man politely tried to ask the cashier something and it took him a few tries before either of us could understandhe was saying ‘Help me please’. Neither of us knew what help he needed, and the cashier suggested a few things before he figured out the gentleman needed help cutting and eating his meal.” 

It was rush hour and the restaurant was so busy and yet ironically the cashier still stopped what he was doing just to help! 

The young man shut down his register, washed his hands, put on gloves and then went over to cut the elderly man’s food so that he could eat! Carreno was touched as she watched Kenny perform an act of kindness. Tears began to fill her eyes she said. “This employee, who put everything on hold for this man, went above and beyond his responsibilities to help this handicapped customer out,” Carreno wrote on Facebook. “That was the kindest and most humble thing I had ever seen.” 

Since her picture and story went viral, word of the good deed got back to the downtown Chicago franchise owner, Rod Lubeznik, and Kenny was awarded for his humility.

“We are very proud of Kenny, and overwhelmed by the positive response he has received for his compassion and kindness,” he said in a statement, and continued, “It’s a true testament to who Kenny is, and a reminder to us all that one seemingly small act of kindness can touch the hearts of so many.”

What an awesome story! Roommates, are there any random acts of kindness that you’ve seen? Tag the hero in the comments and tell us their story!

TSR Intern: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!