Ever catch the munchies late night or after a good “flight” but you always feel that theres nothing to eat or you don’t have all the ingredients to make something bomb to satisfy your hunger…like theres jelly but no toast or cereal with no milk? Well little did you know there may be a food goldmine right in your kitchen that has yet to be discovered!
Thanks to our friends over at Buzzfeed, we pulled 10 food combos that may have not been your first choice to put together but just might be the greatest concoctions known to man!
Check out the list below, we have tried a few and lets just say they may or may not be on to something here!
1.Hot Cheetos and Milk:
Some say milk actually takes away the spiciness in Cheetos and it actually does!…Who knew!?
2.Peanut Butter And Pickle Sandwich
Heard it was a fave amongst pregnant women! TSR rates it as “okay”
3.Pizza Topped With Chocolate:
You should definitely try this!
4.Peanut Butter And Jelly With Doritos In The Middle:
All we have to say for this one is…the crunchier the better!
5. French Fries And Vanilla Ice cream
If you were late to this party, you have no idea what you’ve been missing!
6.Oreas And Orange Juice
This one was interesting to say the least but still worth a try!
7.Rice And Ketchup
As a child, I definitely remember thia was the greatest that ever happened to me!
8.Hot Dogs And Jelly
Make sure you melt the jelly…you won’t be disappointed!
9.Pickles And Oreos
Another pregnant women favorite!
10.Butter And Sugar Sandwiches
Another one of my childhood comfort foods!
Lets chat below..which one will you try!?
TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG!!