
TSR Health: Dr. Fauci Says COVID-19 May Never Be “Eradicated” But Is Confident That The United States Can Control Its Spread

TSR Health: While things may seem like they’re going back to normal, with many states reopening the doors of local businesses and establishments, COVID-19 is still very much prevalent, and Dr. Fauci is going to keep reminding y’all!

During an interview with TB Alliance, a non-profit that researches treatments for tuberculosis, Dr. Fauci explains that he does not believe the coronavirus will disappear.

“I don’t see this disappearing the way SARS-1 did,” he says. “The reason I say that is that it is so efficient in its ability to transmit from human to human that I think we ultimately will get control of it. I don’t really see us eradicating it.”

He goes on to add that the measures that the country is currently taking, in addition to finding a vaccine for the virus, should be enough to get control of it and get us out of this pandemic.

“I think with a combination of good public health measures, a degree of global herd immunity and a good vaccine — which I do hope and feel cautiously optimistic that we will get — I think when you put all three of those together, I think we will get control of this.”

Dr. Fauci’s comments come just a day after Donald Trump admitted that the coronavirus ‘will get worse before it will get better.’, while encouraging everyone to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.

“Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact,” he said. “I’m getting used to the mask.”

As of Thursday, health officials report more than 3.9 million confirmed cases of coronavirus in the U.S, with the state of California leading the states in the highest number of single-day infections. California currently has more than 12,800 cases, bringing the total to 413,576.

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