
TSR Health: California Surpasses New York With The Most Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

On Wednesday, it was announced that California now has more confirmed Coronavirus cases than New York, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Based on reports, New York had a total of 705 new cases Wednesday, which brought the number to 408,886 cases, since the beginning of the global pandemic. California had the highest number of single-day infections with more than 12,800 cases, bringing the total to 413, 576 cases–the most cases confirmed in one state.

Governor Newsom stated in a press conference,

“We’re a state the size of 21 states combined,” said Newsom. “So it’s not surprising now in some respects, as we began to reopen key sectors of our economy, people continue to mix and people continue to come in close contact with others that may have contracted this disease, that our numbers will start to go up in total.”

New York still has more COVID-19 cases per capita, the governor emphasized.

“Nonetheless, it’s a sober reminder of why we are taking things as seriously as we are. A sober reminder of why we put in that mask mandate here in the state of California, and a reminder of why we modified our opening.”

Just last week, Gov. Newsom announced the closure of bars, nail salons, and outside entertainment centers due to the spike in cases.

COVID-19 has brought about a new way we live our lives. With federal masks mandates and social distancing orders across the country, things definitely look different.

Be safe, Roomies. 

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