Categories: Celebs

TSR #ClapBackSeason: Did The Game Just Tell Us Who Really Robbed Chris Brown?

Welp things went from 0-100 real quick today when The Game got caught paying a little too much attention to Karreuche’s IG page.

If you missed out on the tea check it out below:


And as the world should know by now Chris Brown was nowhere near here for it!!!!! He decided he would call him out on it:


Welp of course whenever Chris Brown gets into it with someone, his goons are never too far behind. This time it looks like Chris Brown’s friend, WackStar, decided to tag himself in on the beef against The Game. What makes this situation messy is Wackstar actually met CB through The Game! Welp these bros ain’t loyal!!!!

Wack Star decided to take shots at The Game’s album sales:


And we all know The Game ain’t the one to hold his tongue and boy did he have some interesting things to say!




Welp did The Game just let the cat out of the bag? There were reports that who ever robbed Chris was definitely done through an inside job! Lord!!!! One thing you never do…. don’t beef with people who know your secrets! 

Welp Wackstar is denying such allegations:





Do you think The Game is telling the truth or is he just talking because he’s mad? Let’s chat below !! 

TSR STAFF: Debra Oh!! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG!!