Nic King, Creator of Proud Puffs (Via IG)
It’s not everyday you read about a Black-owned cereal company but tuh-dae is your lucky day, #Roomies. Inspired by the protests of 2020 and the help of crowdfunding, Nic King of Connecticut decided to create something for the culture, ‘Proud Puff’ cereal.
He exclusively told The Shade Room, “…the idea came about during the protest(s). Sounds bizarre, but I’ve been calling it divine inspiration. The idea just came to me randomly.” King added, “I did some research and realized it wasn’t done and I got to work.”
If there’s one thing we can all relate to, it’s the Black fist—generally recognized as Black pride. King made sure to use the fist design as the shape of the ‘Proud Puffs” chocolate-flavored, vegan-friendly cereal.
King expressed, “The fist in our culture means empowerment and solidarity. It’s a nod to the culture for me. Letting them know this is for us.”
The entrepreneur also expressed how important representation is within our community. “The idea of the ‘Proud Puff’ brand is to show representation and to uplift the Black community.”
King added, “I want our kids to walk the cereal aisle and see a product that looked like themselves. It was also important for the world to see a full beautiful Black family.”
He continued, “God first, but my people inspired me. ‘Proud Puffs’ is the cereal for the culture and it’s unapologetically Black.”
‘Proud Puffs’ is now available for pre-order, just in time for Black History Month.