Remember when we told you about high school assistant principal, Esther Adler-O’Keefe’sb15 seconds of fame that landed her in the school’s hot seat after appearing in Trey Songz’s video “Best Friend?” Well it looks like she was fired over her cameo and she’s calling foul!
When interviewed the assistant principal described the video she played in as “vulgar, offensive, and demeaning” claiming that she was totally unaware of the content and lyrics of the video but it looks like Trey Songz is telling another story!
Even though O’Keefe says she never heard the song and only took it on as an acting gig, Trey is saying that she not only heard the song, but she heard it a million times and that “she knew what was up.”
It may not be all bad for Adler-O’Keefe because Trey Songz did say he feels bad for her and plans to reach out to her soon because he believes that she did nothing wrong.
While Trey Songz and many of the students think that she deserves a break for her acting gig, the superintendent, Dr. Scott Farina, of her school district seems to disagree.
She issued a statement saying, “The video in question showcases behaviors and language use that is not promoted by the Southampton School District. In fact, we actively teach our students the importance of good character and making smart choices. Additionally, this is not representative of who we are as a district, nor of our students and staff.”
Adler-O’Keefe may have lost in some ways, but it looks like she scored herself a fan base along with a Trey Songz connect.
Is it that serious? Should she get her job back? Lets chat!

TSR Intern: Dianna M. IG: dmm.ox