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Whether you’re looking for dates at a bar or swiping left and right on Tinder, everyone should have the tools necessary to safely experience dating in the digital age. Unfortunately, as access to people via the internet has gotten easier, becoming a victim of violence has done the same.
Tinder, however, is now offering users the ability to perform background checks on potential dates for costs as low as $2.50 per search. According to a press release, Tinder is partnering with Garbo to give users access to public information including arrests, convictions and offender registry records before heading out to dinner with someone.
“We know that the biggest indicator of future abuse or violence is a history of these types of behaviors,” founder of Garbo Kathryn Kosmides said. “Whether it’s online dating or the dozens of other ways we meet strangers in today’s digital age, we should know if we’re potentially putting our safety at risk. We want to protect those most vulnerable to experiencing harm both online and off-line and this is just the first step in delivering out mission to help proactively prevent harm in the digital age.”
Garbo is reportedly a first-of-its-kind, non-profit background check platform with a mission to empower people to make more informed decisions through access to public safety information.
Tracey Breeden, Head of Social and Social Advocacy at Tinder’s parent company The Match Group, expressed the need for Garbo’s new contribution to the digital space as it relates to marginalized groups of people.
“For far too long women and traditionally marginalized groups have faced many barriers to resources and safety. Garbo’s thoughtful and innovative consumer background checks will drive the industry forward while empowering people with critical information to help inform personal safety choices.”
Most recently, the internet cried out for justice for Lauren Smith-Fields, a 23-year-old black woman who was found dead in her apartment after meeting with an older white man she met on Bumble. Unfortunately, her death was ruled an accident by the chief medical examiner in Connecticut.
How are y’all feeling about this new background check feature, Roomies?
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