#TiffanyHaddish is out here spilling little droplets of tea about the time she saw #Beyoncé confront an actress at a party. She was at an afterparty for the 4:44 Tour and this actress—who shall not be named—got a little too friendly with her hubby #JayZ and Bey did something about it!
“I was talking to Jay-Z for a little bit and there was another actress who was also talking to Jay-Z. She touched Jay-Z’s chest,” Haddish recounted. Next, she says Beyoncé came up to them and described her countenance as “Bish, get your hands off my man’s chest!”
Then, Haddish said that Beyoncé and the actress began talking so everything was cool. However, something else happened at the party apparently, but she isn’t ready to spill that tea yet!
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG
Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/tvone.tv/69964/watch-uncensoreds-tiffany-haddish-dishes-on-how-she-met-beyonce/amp/