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Whew! Roommates, lately it seems like JT of the City Girls and Lil Uzi have been in an epic honeymoon stage. Almost everyday both artists take to social media to express the love they have for one another. Whether it comes in the form of tweets or Instagram posts, one thing we know for sure is that JT loves her some Uzi and Uzi loves him some JT. See some of their posts below:
With that being said, it caught a few fans off guard when JT and Yung Miami went on Instagram Live and it ended with a very awkward moment between Uzi and Yung Miami. In the exchange, Uzi refers to Yung Miami as ‘Caresha’ which happens to be her government name and says “I ain’t ever got to see you just like you ain’t ever got to see me.” While JT tries to intervene several times during the exchange it became very evident Uzi was going to say, what he wanted to say!
Yung Miami fired back on her own saying: “Me and you don’t have to be friends, and that’s understood. We don’t have to be friends and that’s just that.”
As of now there’s no explanation as to what both artists were referring to, but it’s clear that some tension may exist between them. Ultimately Uzi and Yung Miami decided to take things offline and have a personal conversation without thousands of people watching on IG Live. Y’all know, we’ll be sure to get to the bottom of this tea!
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