TSR Entertainment

These Two Students Running For Harvard University’s UC President And VP Made This Lit Campaign Video

Now this is creative! Two students running for Harvard University’s Undergraduate Council president and vice president are reaching their fellow students in a different way.

This campaign video for running mates James and Ify has more than just Harvard talking. The video is not only catchy in song, it lays out James and Ify’s platform effectively.

And don’t think this is just showmanship; James and Ify have a plan to backup their goals of inclusivity, problem-solving and created a community-oriented experience for students laid out on their website.

Many students are overall just excited to see two students of color running for positions of leadership at Harvard and we’re here for it! Check out this dope video and let us know what you think below!

Both James and Ify are heavily involved in Harvard’s undergraduate council and community. All we can say is after watching this video, where can we vote?!?

TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh

Christina Calloway