The Osundairo Brothers who have been tied to the incident involving Jussie Smollett have released an apology through their lawyer as details regarding the situation are still being collected.
According to CBS Chicago, Ola and Abel Osundairo’s attorney released a statement Thursday night, which read, “My clients have tremendous regret over their involvement in this situation, and they understand how it has impacted people across the nation, particularly minority communities and especially those who have been victims of hate crimes themselves.”
As we previously reported, Jussie Smollett has maintained his innocence in the incident and claims that the check for $3,500 written to Abel was for personal training.
The check was written out six days before the reported attack, the memo line of the check reads, “5 week Nutrition/Workout program Don’t Go.” The “don’t go” part of the memo is in reference to a song for which Jussie was going to shoot a music video for, where he had to appear shirtless.
Text messages were also revealed, where it showed Abel giving Jussie training advice.
We’ll continue to keep you updated as this story continues to develop.