Categories: Celebs

The LGBT Community Made History Last Night: Sharice Davids Became The First Gay Native American Woman Elected To Congress & Jared Polis The Nation’s First Openly Gay Governor

The LGBT community is letting their voices be heard on the hill #Roommates, and I’m all here for it! Kansas Democrat Sharice Davids went down in history last night as the first openly gay woman elected to Congress, and first Native American person elected into office Tuesday. Sharice beat four-term Republican incumbent Kevin Yoder. Like Sharice, Colorado Democrat Jared Polis became the first openly gay governor elected!

“Colorado is a state that values diversity,” Jared said in a interview before the election. “We’re willing to elect people that are going to do a good job for our state regardless of their background…. I think it’s exciting to show how far the LGBT community has come that it doesn’t stand in the way of being elected to the highest office in the state.”

“With Jared Polis becoming the first out gay governor of a state, I have no doubt today, there are children and teenagers and young adults who are looking to him and saying, ‘I’m going to be my state’s governor one day.” Rea Carey, executive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund said. “His win inspires others.”

“Happy that CO has elected the US’s first openly gay governor Jared Polis! And looking forward to the day that someone being gay and in politics isn’t a big news headline…”


“I am SO happy that my state (Colorado) voted for Jared Polis. A gay man who is not afraid to accept it won.”

“@sharicedavids is Kansas’s first gay House member and one of the first Native American women, along with Deb Haaland elected to Congress. Don’t forget to celebrate these and other HUGE wins tonight and be happy for a bit. It’s not all bad news all the time. Congratulations????????✨????️”

“Jared Polis is the new governor of Colorado and the first openly gay person to be elected governor! Seriously I am so happy! Holy Baby J and stuff! And so happy to live here in Colorado! YES!”

“Sharice Davids I’m very happy to read that you are tuvusavooch (lgbtq.) Brings my gay little heart comfort. Oh and that acceptance speech! #NativeVote”

Congrats to both!