
The Family Of Jam Master Jay Release A Statement After 2 People Are Indicted For His Murder

On Monday, it was announced that two men were indicted for the 2002 murder of the legendary DJ Jam Master Jay.

As we previously reported, federal officials and members of the New York City Police Department identified the two alleged suspects as Ronald Washington and Karl Jordan Jr.

Following the news of the indictments, the family of the late and great Jam Master Jay released a statement and said, “First and foremost we want to thank everyone who has reached out in support of our family today. We appreciate your kind thoughts and words. Upon hearing the news we have mixed emotion; we truly hope that these indictments are a solid step towards justice being served in the murder of Jay.”

The statement continued, “In spite of all the tragedies we’ve seen this year alone, we can take comfort in our family, our faith, and in time’s ability to heal all. We can only hope that this news brings awareness to the fact that Black lives do matter.”

According to TMZ, the U.S. Attorney’s Office says the motive behind the murder was drug-related.

Both Washington and Jordan have been charged with murder while engaged in narcotics trafficking and firearm-related murder for the 2002 killing. If convicted, both men face 20 years to life in prison.

As mentioned before, Ronald Washington was already in jail for a separate crime, and Karl Jordan Jr. was arrested on Sunday. Both men have been suspects in the case for quite some time now, and officials finally feel like they have enough information to prosecute them.


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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside