
The Attorney Representing The Officer Who Kneeled On George Floyd’s Legs Suggests The Public Should Have Intervened

The officers involved in the killing of George Floyd have been arrested, but they are not going down without a fight. Most, if not all of the officers, have lawyered up, and are ready to defend themselves by any means necessary.

Earl Gray, the attorney representing Thomas Lane, appeared on CNN to speak with Chris Cuomo about his client’s involvement in the incident. If you all recall, Thomas was the officer kneeling on George’s legs, while Officer Chauvin had a knee to his neck.

In part of the interview, Gray addresses the public, and says that people should have intervened if they saw that George was not breathing. In fact, in says that if people were in such an uproar, they would have done so.

“If the public is there and they’re in such an uproar about this, they didn’t intercede either,” he says. “My client was down on his knees and couldn’t really see.”

Thomas Lane was just recently hired on the force, and was reportedly taking orders from the senior officers he was patrolling with that day. One of those officers was Officer Chauvin, who reportedly ordered Lane to stay on George’s legs.

As we previously reported, the other three officer’s involved in George Floyd’s death, including Officer Lane, have been charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder. Derek Chauvin will now be charged with second-degree murder.

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