
Texas Superintendent Tells 4-Year-Old To Cut His Hair Or Wear A Dress To School

Roommates, it is unfortunate, but discrimination is still alive and well in today’s society, and in this case, it is impacting the children! A Texas superintendent is now under fire.

According to Live 5 News, a superintendent is being accused of setting unrealistic and discriminatory guidelines for his students at a Texas elementary school. Randi Woodley is the grandmother of 4-year-old Michael, who was told he could not wear long hair as a male student.

“The superintendent gave me three options,” Randi says. “He told me that I could either cut it, braid it and pin it up or put my grandson in a dress and send him to school. And when prompted, my grandson must say he’s a girl.”

Parents rallied together at Monday night’s school board meeting, holding signs and demanding change. After hearing the news, they claim students are being discriminated against.

“I went to the principal’s office, where she explained to me that my grandson’s hair was too long,” Randi says. “I will be here at every board meeting. I will fight to get all of the rules changed.”

As of now, the school’s dress coded states: “no ponytails, ducktails, rat-tails, male buns, or puff balls are allowed on male students. It also reference length, saying male students should not have hair that “extends past the top of a T-shirt collar.”

Another parent, Kambryn Cox, shares a similar experience, where her son returned home from school one afternoon saying there was something wrong with his hair. She is now lobbying for board members and the superintendent to re-think the rules after her son Kellen was told his hair could not be worn in a ponytail.

“With my son’s dreadlocks, sometimes they do fall in front of his face,” Kambryn says. “So I felt it would be easier got put his hair up, but then that’s a problem”

Parents are now working together to teach their children the value of standing up for themselves, and being individuals.

“We shouldn’t even be talking about this at any age because hair has nothing to do with learning. I teach my son to be his own individual.”
