
Texas Couple Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Wearing Face Masks—Owner Says, ‘I Don’t Want Any Masks In Here’

During a time where protection is indeed a priority, a couple with a newborn baby went out to eat only to be turned away because they decided to wear face masks, @CNN reports.

Protecting their immunocompromised 4-month-old son, Natalie Wester and her husband Jose Lopez-Guerrero joined friends at the “Time Sports Grill & Bar,” located in TX. But unbeknownst to the couple, there is a no-mask policy at the establishment.

Webster stated a waitress told them about the policy, “About 30 minutes in, our waitress comes over and she sits down next to me and she’s like, ‘Hey, so our manager is over there in the kitchen, and he is not as nice as I am so I came over here to talk to you and unfortunately, this is a political thing, but our manager does not believe in the mask.”

Continuing to say the owner was tired of being told what to do, the waitress stated, “He’s tired of being told what to do by, you know, politics in the country, and so you’re going to need to take the mask off.”

Back in March, Abbott lifted the mask mandate. Then, in July, he also banned mask mandates and stated establishments could potentially be fined if they tried to enforce them.

He stated, “Texans have mastered the safe practices that help to prevent and avoid the spread of COVID-19. They have the individual right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, and engage in leisure activities.”

His order encourages residents in areas with high COVID-19 transmission to “follow the safe practices they have already mastered,” such as wearing masks where social distancing is not feasible, according to The Hill.

Government entities such as county, city, school district, or public health authorities cannot require people to wear face coverings, according to his order. Local government entities that institute mask mandates may be fined up to $1,000.

Roomies, what do you think of this?
