Terrell Owens took to social media to share that he was involved in a bad car accident, but walked away with no injuries. (Instagram/ Getty Images)
Former NFL player Terrell Owens took to social media to share his testimony after he was involved in a serious car accident.
He shared photos of two vehicles that were completely damaged. One car was damaged from the back, while the other car showed that the front was completely damaged. It was unclear which of the cars he was riding in. Nonetheless, he shared how grateful he was to have walked away from the accident without any injuries.
He captioned the photo of the two damaged vehicles and said, “I was on my way home but this is..HOW MY DAY ENDED YESTERDAY and..HOW MY DAY STARTED TODAY. 🙏🏾 Thankful for no injuries, health, and able to see another day. God is Good.”
TMZ noted that on Saturday, before the accident, Terrell had shown on his social media that he test drove an Audi Q8 55 TSI. Initially, it was unclear if the Audi was the vehicle that was involved in the accident. He later verified with the site that it was not the Audi and the car accident happened after he test drove that vehicle.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94