Target, Macy's, Best Buy and Home Depot masks vaccinated (Photo: via Getty Images)
#Roommates, following the news that the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) updated its guidelines to include that fully vaccinated Americans can now engage in a host of activities without wearing a mask, retailers began to lower company mask mandates and more just got added to the list. It was recently announced that Target, Macy’s, Best Buy, Home Depot and more have formally ended mask requirements for those who are fully vaccinated.
@CNN reports, the shift of major U.S. retailers no longer requiring that everyone wear a mask while shopping inside stores continues to grow, as more companies adopt the same process. Target explained its decision to end mask requirements for the fully vaccinated, stating, “Face coverings will continue to be strongly recommended for guests and team members who are not fully vaccinated, and we’ll continue our increased safety and cleaning measures, including social distancing throughout our stores.”
Home Depot released a similar statement regarding its own company-wide mask decision. A company spokesperson said, “Masks are still encouraged for those who aren’t fully vaccinated, and we’ll keep safety measures in place like enhanced cleaning and social distancing.” Meanwhile, Best Buy confirmed that while individuals and employees who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear masks, anyone can choose to wear a mask if they like while in stores, however during service appointments, employees are still required to wear them.
Macy’s may have decided to also drop mask requirements, but the company made it very clear that they are still recommended for all shoppers and employees inside its stores.
As we previously reported, following the CDC’s updated guidelines for those who are fully vaccinated, Walmart was the first major retailer to drop its mask requirement.
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