Many fans value the opinion of Tami Roman, which is why they often ask her to speak out about certain situations. The latest situation that they asked her to speak about was the ongoing matter with Falynn Guobadia, Porsha Williams, and Simon Guobadia. Tami uploaded a video to her YouTube where she shared her thoughts on their current situation, but from her perspective.
Tami said, “When somebody is in a relationship. They have to be held accountable for the relationship that they’re in and they should respect the relationship that they’re in. There’s also the other side of the coin, which is girl code, and I personally feel like if you have an acquaintance or an alliance with another female there should be nothing inside of you that wants that woman’s man.”
She continued to say that she doesn’t have any other women around her husband, not because she doesn’t trust him, but she doesn’t trust other women.
Tami made it clear that she likes Porsha and touched on a few details about the situation to bring about a better understanding of things from her perspective.
When Porsha said that she and Falynn are not friends, Tami explained from a reality television standpoint and said, “When they are trying to introduce a new character onto the show that have to figure out a person they can attach that individual to so you guys could be more accepting of the new person coming in. A lot of times we don’t be knowing these people.”
She proceeded to give an example from “Basketball Wives,” which was the show she was a part of for many years.
Nonetheless, Tami did think it was too soon for Porsha and Simon to share their relationship if it is in fact real. However, she wishes the situation didn’t look how it’s currently playing out. In terms of things looking like two black women against each other.
As previously reported, on Tuesday Falynn broke her silence on the situation and said she is focusing on finalizing her divorce.
Check out Tami’s full video below:
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94