Tamar Braxton shares that someone broke into her home and destroyed some of her belongings and stole her safe. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images)
It looks like Tamar Braxton is the latest celebrity that is a victim of a home invasion. She shared the news on social media early Wednesday and said that a person, whom she knows, is responsible for invading her home. However, she says they didn’t take anything but her safe.
She posted a statement to his Instagram account and said, “A few hours ago, this broken bum a** man (one that I know) broke into my home and stole my safe only. Not a Birkin, not a computer, not one of Logan’s game systems, but he only went through my drawers, broke mirrors, turned my bed upside down, and took my safe.”
Now some may think that the incident would have made Tamar extremely upset, especially since she says she knows who is responsible. However, Tamar said she isn’t angry.
“I want you to know first hand I’m not angry. You did not break me. You did not violate me. What your broken broke a** don’t realize that God gave me that home and EVERY single thing in it during the pandemic, and also during the time when I was all of those things. God personally put the pieces of my life back together again,” she said.
Tamar continued, “So pumpkin, you did not steal from me. Those things you took, he will give back to me a million times fold!!! You took from God!!!”
Tamar captioned her full statement and said, “Things hit different when you are a kings kid.”
According to TMZ, law enforcement did confirm that Tamar’s home in Calabasas was broken into while she was out, and the burglary took place around 7 pm or 8 pm Tuesday, and her safe was taken.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94