Categories: Celebs

Supa Cent Introduces Her New Lil’ Friend To Social Media (video)

Just a couple of months ago, Supa Cent’s ex fiancé Lou was outed for an alleged cheating scandal. But now it seems like the New Orleans native has a new lil’ friend.

On Monday, Supa was all cozy with her new friend. She was clearly comfortable and had no care in the world. A video captioned, “Get it up,” while her lil’ friend was all up in her bosom, was posted on social media.

Earlier in the day, she also tweeted that she liked her men “dawk.” So, it’s no surprise that the new Mister is dark just like her ex-fiancé Lou.

The two friends have been all on social media together, posing for the world to see.

Later that day, Lou posted a screenshot with his new lil’ friend also. Guess it’s safe to say that both are enjoying their new cups of tea.

As previously reported, Following a report that Lou was allegedly cheating on her with a teenage girl, Supa tweeted a message seemingly responding to the allegations. She later confirmed that she was done with him following the release of alleged messages between him and a girl who was claiming to be 18 though there was a report that alleged the girl in question may have told Lou she was 17 over the phone.

